

Now accepting donations through Zelle, PayPal and Feeling Blessed! You can also mail us a check at our address: 4110 Lathbury Landing Way, Cary, NC 27513

We need your support

Help us fund our various programs through donations

Sponsor an Orphan

For $80 a month, you can support a child in Aabroo’s orphanage.

Ramadan Food Packages

Support 200 families in need with Ramadan food packages for $20 per family.

Eid Clothes

Donate Eid clothes to orphans and Aabroo students for $12 per child.

Educate a Child

For $10 a month or $120 a year, you can support an Aabroo student’s education.

Feed a Child

Feed a child for $8 per month, or $96 per year.

General Fund

Donate to cover various costs associated with running and operating Aabroo’s multiple schools and orphanage.

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Your credit card information is encrypted & protected. Friends of Aabroo is a U.S. tax exempt 501(c)3 organization that supports and provides financial aid to Aabroo. Tax deductible receipts will be issued to all donors.